Everything that the gospel of God’s love in Christ does in the worldand Evangelism =
Processes whereby people become Disciples (not “churchgoers” or “converts”)Classic C of E thinking was that Evangelism was basically Advertising, something we weren’t any good at. We left Evangelism to everyone else, including a few designated “evangelicals.” Everyone knew where to find us, and in the end people could graduate ozmotically to our superior brand! Not very glorious. The Decade of Evangelism did reveal some basic realities about how evangelism works.

For most people this simple blatant model just doesn’t work, for personality reasons quite apart from anything else. God just didn’t make them that way. The average journey time is 4 -5 years, for a start...

This is the place for courses of one sort or another; but their effectiveness is almost entirely contextual not as something in itself. What counts isn’t the content of the curriculum, but the love and realism people find, and the generosity, and the space to explore for themselves. Actually, small churches can provide this nurture just by being themselves. They don't have to be all zapped up; in fact it almost helps not to be.

So what? provide contexts for nurture and growth, and the community of faith will grow, says this model. It's the way communities of faith always have grown. Christianity is essentially a way of life, not a religion or code of morals or ideology. I warm to the simplicity of this process, like the early Churches traveling light institutionally. Am I right to warm to this? If I did, I'd be in good company (h/t Ian Macdonald) — “the Church of God does not have a mission, but the God of mission has a church.” (Robin Greenwood)
It all comes down, in the end to the kind of community we are. In these terms, we get the growth we really want, deep down, and the growth appropriate to who we are. Since World War I, Dick Shepherd and others, The C of E has increasingly had to realise this is an exam in which we cannot cheat, and about which the punters sometimes, pretty much have our number! If we want people to become disciples, we need to be disciples!
Thanks for this post, +Alan! Really good stuff. This bit alone:
[Evangelism:] Processes whereby people become Disciples (not “churchgoers” or “converts”)
is an immensely helpful nutshell definition, and a handy way to focus a discussion in which (as in a recent example), someone says something like: "So do we sacrifice evangelism by not trying to attract folks who are looking for a more passive, consumer-like church experience?"
Many thanks!
I like your comments here. You've got some awesome images that you've put there about the process and the co-mingling / non linear process of people coming to faith.
Do you have them in Powerpoint? I'd like to use them.
Pastor Chris
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