20. Say hello (’ello, ’ello? — sorry) to a Police Officer. I have to confess to not having bumped into one on Friday, and thinking I could end up inside for wasting Police Time if I dialled 999 just to thank them for being themselves. I have, however, always made a point of trying to get to know and work with my local police service. It seems to me police officers end up doing pretty much all the jobs the rest of us would rather not think about, from clearing up after road crashes to managing drunks in our new 24 hour alcohol-sodden town centres. Of course there's good and bad in everyone, but I'm not sure the media and copshow stereotypes help, either. In Thames Valley they've done some really headline work with restorative justice. I don’t think most police officers I know want putting on a pedestal — just some basic respect for what they’re trying to do, and a bit of awareness that there’s a human being inside the uniform. I wouldn't have thought that’s too much to ask, but often, apparently it is. I sometimes look in on the notorious but revealing Coppersblog. It gives down-to-earth view from the other side of the counter, and I find it injects a bit of (alternative) reality into all the media hype and cynicism.

22. Think about how to make space for stillness in the week ahead. A rather busy week, but I have a cunning plan. As well as injecting fractionally more silence into morning prayer with Lucy, I'm going to try and get out walking or running, away from the phone and everything else. See how that goes.
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