Are they by any chance related?
Are the Donuts people covertly subverting the Eucharist?
Is Dawkins new model Upbeat Evangelical Atheist Religion, in fact, Baptist and thus potentially into dunkin’?
I think we should be told...

seeking lasting hapinessssssssssssssssissss sseeking fleeting happiness
by profound life philosophysssssssssssssssssby sugared comfort snacks of
sweeping the nationsssssssssssssssssisssssssdubious nutritional value
Hahaha! Like the analogy.
I have to admit that I'm a little surprised that atheists think that people actually WORRY about whether there's a God. I would have thought most people would be worrying about other things.
I see what you mean. Dave Keen's Bog (St Aidan to Abbey Moor below) gives a less facetious response which includes the fairly abundant evidence of research psychologists that ;people with religious beliefs tend to worry less than others!!
My bog? Good to know I have a learned toilet.
Yes, but that's the (minority of (?)) people with definite religious beliefs. Dawkins et al. are targeting the undecided masses (or those in a Doubt Bout®).
Dave, aaargh! sorry about the bog, mate. Perhaps it knows more than it's telling; like hearing the voice of God from down the water pipes, or whatever, in the psalms. If I try and correct it the comment will come out of sequence, and yours becomes incomprehensible. I think I'll leave it, but with sincere apologies to your bog. The Life of Brian Sermon on the mount audience guy would probably point out this isn't intended to be taken literally, but refers to all kinds of porcelain and sanitaryware.
This is one of the funniest observations I have seen on the bus campaign so far. Would be interested to know what you think as an Anglican about my comments on the campaign
...from a novice blogger
Thanks for the link, Simon. I was struck, along with David Keen, who captured this point better than just about anyone else in the blogosphere, by the way, whlst all the empirical ("scientific") evidence indicates that people with religious faith are more relaxed, happy and confident, the originators of the ads seemed to assume the exact opposite. I think it's been a great way of stirring up interest. Nice to have advertising that stimulates awareness of faith paid for by the BHS.
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