Sunday 25 January 2009

Steve Croft, here and there

If I weren’t here I’d be there — but of course. Here is Cardiff; there is York Minster, to share in the episcopal ordination of Steve Croft, who is to be the new Bishop of Sheffield. It has been a great resource to have Steve living in Oxford as leader of Fresh Expressions. He’s been a source of information and inspiration, as well as a hub person in various emergent Church networks springing up around the world.

Among other good memories, I recall his leading a day for Bucks Churchwardens in Winslow, which was extraordinarily down to earth but stimulating and inspiring for a very mixed group from a variety of traditional and improvisatory contexts. To quote the man himself,
We are called... to a dual vocation of sustaining what is and bringing about significant change and transition. This is a complex and demanding task. However, its my conviction that as we make the journey we are not simply imitating our culture or inventing new ways to engage in Christian ministry. Instead we are exploring our global and historic Christian tradition and restoring patterns of ministry which have always been present in a church in mission
Steve enters a new leadership phase of his own special contribution to this process, with much respect, love and payers from his many friends in Oxford.


Anonymous said...

i was in sheffield last week and people are really excited about steve croft coming.

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Good to know, Andrew. I think he's got a couple of weeks or so before he hits the ground in the City of Steel. I know what an vibrant place it is, but am also assured from the way Steve related well to everybody in our very mixed churchwardens group that he will be really concerned about all of the diocese, including the less glamorous parts.

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