Whilst on
annual retreat/ review with a cell group at Alton Abbey, services may be intermittent, especially as snows have now descended. Meanwhile, the joke may be a bit
obscure to the uninitiated, but I liked this, off the
Atheist Bus Phrase Generator:
I think it's a rather sweet joke. I hope my Anglican friends appreciate it.
I have two words for you:
Want. One.
I think I may have first used the phrase after reading your earlier post (with the Izzard Video). It's been the tagline on my blog for a while now.
Seeing it on a bus, albeit as a joke, makes me realise it needs to be a tshirt...
I'm with you, huw. There;'s got to be a Tee shirt designer out there with the flair, creativity and spiritual depth to take this theme on and make it fly. I'd definitely want one, to go with my "Jesus loves everyone but I'm his blue-eyed boy" one...
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