Sunday 5 July 2009

Intex: A bigger splash

Now in its third year, the splash pool is turning out to be the best £150 we ever spent on eBay. With clergy family barbecues coming on, our whole family extends a cordial welcome to its other afficionados, hoping the weather this year will be up to it. With new solar heating the water has reached temperatures of up to 32 degrees recently, four or five degress higher than it ever managed with its original 7Kw electric heating.

With school friends etc,. it gets hours of use many days. One first this year was adoption and families workers on a staff day here using it for a teambuilding game with paper boats. On a cloudier Sunday, I just wanted to try and convey the full solemnity of the naturally Anglican way our children have been interpreting the instructions printed in six languages on the side, about not jumping in:


Erika Baker said...

Teambuilding game with paper boats? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

Can you use it for baptisms?


Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Honest guv. Might have a picture somewhere. These were mini improvised paper boats, not the sort anyone has to climb into or anything.

And only yesterday a colleague asked about borrowing it for baptisms! We keep pretty much open house, so if anyone ever wanted to use it that way, we'd probably be quite keen...

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