As the Lambeth Conference 2008 group photographs go out, the t
rue picture is emerging — drawn by
Dave Walker, cartoonist in residence. We’re all there, in gruesome detail. Having Dave around has given a real sense of proportion to the conference, and some contact with outer reality. Dave’s presence has greatly blessed us., more than he will ever know, perhaps.

So... which one are you??
er... no bearded ones, so you have to use your imagination. I wonder ahout guy with the fruit-branded laptop int he front row, or "kick me" or "hello Mum" but there's a bit of them all in all of us...
Wonderful to hear that you all found Dave a blessing! Hope to get all the gossip from him when I see him at church next....hehehehehee!
Reading the Times today (Saturday), I am struck by the contrast between the leading article, which gives a very measured, positive and admiring account of what Archibishop Rowan has acheived these past few weeks, and the complete sourness of the piece by their religious affairs correspondent a few pages later. Do newspaper staff never talk to each other? Or perhaps religious affairs correspondents need to make a story regardless of what the truth actually is?
Thanks, Tim. As is plain from the piece I carried the other day frpm Ruth Gledhill's blog, the correspondent concerned does have good experiences congruent with her leader writer. I think they often think they are being hardnosed and critical and just end up sneering.
Tim, a few people commented at Sunday Indaba about the contrast between the deitorial and the religious correspondent's piece. I suppose it arises from perspective, as well as the pressure on reporters to throw spice into the curry. The editor sits in London and sees it whole from the outside. The reporter surrounds herself with colourful characters, rare and precious people of whom there are very few in the world like Canon Sugden and Mr Virtue, and their vinegar becomes her spice. heigh ho!
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