As you can see, Royal Mail is now riddled like a Swiss Cheese with militant secularists. Rumour has it, special instructions have been given to village postmasters not to issue the Madonnas. You can imagine the riot there'd be if one fell into the hands of a Ba’hai in Bradford (no you can’t - ed). The Madonnas are being reserved for highly Christian areas like East Belfast (shome mishtake?). OK, there are angels in the Bible (quite a lot, actually), but these ones are obviously fake. A Swiss Cheese Secularist front could never produce real angels.
To give Royal Mail a steer, and help the Faithful monitor this alarming trend towards secularist Christmas stamps, here are Christmas stamp designs from countries with Real Churches Militant like the USA, Spain & Italy:

And have you noticed how they actually move the Queen's head in the second stamp, so that she can gaze on the Madonna? For anti-religious bigots the Royal Mail have some remarkably percipient theology and iconography. Perhaps someone can attach them now for being insufficiently monarchist.
Oooh yes. It's all very sinister. Do you think it's a Popish plot connected with Tony Blair becoming RC? Or is that the wrong conspiracy?
quite an interesting piece
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