I managed to have a TV free evening, but I have to say I usually do. When we moved here there was satellite TV, and I dreamed of happy hours channel hopping between priceless costume jewelery sales and dumper truck racing from Stuttgart.

Stentorian Geordie Voice: Day nine-ee foour. Three-Thirt-ee Pee-em. Taser has been Soomoned to the Diarrhy Room.Anyway eventually I realised this was enticing stuff but it wasn’t really me, so tried to be a brave soldier and cut down, and by and large I managed pretty well...
Big Brother (for it is s/he): Housemates are reminded that it is against the rules to urinate in the Teapot
Taser (real name Lee): Yeah well Big Brother. It was Stig and GBH. They was doing my ’ead in.
Big Brother (for it is still s/he): How did they do that?
Taser (real name Lee): Dunno but they was fu**ing doing my head in and I told them they was fu**ing motherfu**ers and GBH said it's your own fu**ing fault so I pissed in his tea, but I missed cos it was still in the fu**ing pot and anyway GBH has been shagging Tasha and Day-glo in the boys toilets cos she's a fu**ing slag...
Stentorian Geordie Voice: Foour pee-em. Day-glo and Satnav are in the sandpit with Play-Doh, Yasser and Chippy, doing nothing... etc etc etc. for 10 weeks
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