Sunday 16 March 2008

Brief and to the Point

In haste, I just wanted to share this challenging thought for the day, addressed to the male species from the wall of the smallest room at St George the Martyr Wolverton this morning...
Vile Rumour has it there used to be a notice on the wall of the bishop's loo at General Synod saying “Congratulations. You are currently the only bishop in the Church of England who knows what he is doing.”


Sarah Brush said...

One of the few times I was tempted to do some grafitti was when presented with a sign in a far from presentable toilet in France. It said "Please leave this toilet as you would wish to find it"... I wanted to add "I would if you had left a mop, bucket, scrubbing brushes and copious amounts of bleach!" I did resist however.

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Hmm. Since Sunday, I've been wondering whether this sign's sage advice is a bit Pelagian...

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