Thursday 12 June 2008

Cross channel? shopping channel!

A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine. But now you can control the weather. Many thanks to Huw Davies for news of the the gadget everyone’s talking about in Cana of Galilee. The over-the-top Shopping channel style transcends the limitations of language, too. Vintage. Is there no limit to what we expect of technology?

The thought we all want instant Wine at the click of a mouse also connects for me with this wonderful thread going right now on Maggi Dawn’s blog about new wine, old skins, tradition innovation and emergence. Go read.


Anonymous said...

"USB Wine will revolutionize dinner!"

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

It surely will — and how different would the history of sixteenth century Europe have been is someone had invented an Elizabeth I style USB widget to take Bread and Wine and automaticaly serve it up as whatever Jesus wanted it to be to us, without people having to sweat over the details... or did they? Is this the C of E?

Anonymous said...

USB Consubstantiation?

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