Wednesday 10 June 2009

Evangelism: rewriting the Book

Many thanks to Jonny Baker’s excellent Blog for news about this project by Improv Everywhere — possibly more of a set-up job than appears at first sight, but the gift to a random couple of an off-the-peg wedding reception for nothing, celebrated with enthusiastic strangers. It’s an interesting way of spreading Joy. To go out and enact what we believe it’s all about is surely the heart of mission? If we want to have a real impact on people’s lives in places like Milton Keynes, I wonder if this is the sort of thing we need to be doing, rather than sticking in buildings, flogging dead horses, or conventional “Come and get it” Evangelism?


Anne Peat ( Tinnles) said...

Do you think the staid old C of E is up to this?

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Hope so! I suspect a bit of kicking and screaming might be involved, but I often come across really creative people in Churches, who just didn't think that what they had to offer was what was called for...

Carlo said...

love it, love it, love it.

and of course it begs the question, wwjd? whatever he would do, it would almost certainly be more out there than inside our stuffy church buildings ;o)

Graham said...

One way of summarising the gospel/good news is 'You have been blessed- now bless others'. One way of reading the latter NT is that people focussed too much on the former and stuggled with the latter.

As a minister, I feel that many of our church discussions/ecu activities focus too much around the former. What I like about this film is that they lead me to the latter, into a place where I want to have the courage to be & suggest that is where we are supposed to be.

Sorry- that became a mini sermon!

Steven Carr said...


You could always do what Dawkins does and write a book which sells in the millions.

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