Monday 15 March 2010

Nandyal Ahoy!

A busy week, with Bishop Lawrence of Nandyal visiting, and various meetings scoping the way forward for the relationship between our dioceses.

Historically, Nandyal was an Anglo-Catholic diocese that refused to go into the Church of North India in 1947, and only arrived in the Ecumenical Church of South India in the seventies, but is now fully integrated. I caught up with the Bishop after sharing Mothering Sundy at Chalfont St Peter:
It looks as though a developing Church link would have distinct themes:
  1. Mission and Evangelism

  2. Clergy spirituality development

  3. Education at all levels

  4. The renewal of a historical relationship

  5. Leadership development

  6. Concern for one world

  7. A mixed economy in terms of brands of discipleship

  8. an structurally Ecumenical partner diocese (with Methodists, Presbyterians and others)

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Vinaigrette girl said...

Good abstractions! Now, get a woman or 12 (from both places, bias in favour of Nandyal) to give it some flesh, plz kthxbye.

"Men rule the world, after women have sorted it out...."

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Indian culture handles gender in fascinatingly different ways from the West, but CSI does ordain women (not many), and we are looking forward to working on gender aspects of leadership together, beginning with the specific inclusion of a woman priest in this June's visit.

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